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Vzdělávací instituce vězeňské služby Ukrajiny, která je partnerskou organizací Akademie VS ČR, pořádala v listopadu mezinárodní vědeckou konferenci na téma: současná problematika ochrany lidských práv.

Na tuto konferenci byl pozván ředitel Akademie VS, který se však z pracovních důvodů nemohl zúčastnit. Pozvání přijali zástupci partnerských akademií z Polska a Francie. 

Více zde: On November 24, 2017, with the participation of Ukrainian and foreign scholars, teachers and scholars from leading universities, representatives of public authorities, practitioners of the State Criminal Execution Service, representatives of public and human rights organizations, as well as observation commissions working in the field of execution of sentences and probation took place V International Scientific and Practical Conference on the theme "Actual problems of protection of human rights, which is in conflict with the law, through the prism of legal reforms". Co-organizers of the conference were the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Penitentiary Association of Ukraine. In the conference participated the members of EPTA-Poland, Ukraine, France. Representatives of foreign states also addressed the conference with greetings: Lieutenant Colonel Ryhart Chapracki, Director of the Main Training Center of the Prison Service in Kalisz (Poland); Cédric Le Bosse, official of the International Relations Department of the Academy of the Penitentiary Administration of France and Michał Szkót, a researcher at the University of Nikolay Kopernik in Torun (Poland). Other representatives of Poland and Denmark also took an active part in the conference. Their reports and presentations on relevant activities in these countries were interesting and useful for all participants. The conference was attended by about 300 participants, of which 7 academicians, 40 doctors of sciences, over 50 candidates of law in law, psychology, pedagogy, and public administration, representing almost 25 leading Ukrainian universities and institutions, among them: the National Academy of Legal Sciences Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, etc .; about 100 practitioners of the State Criminal Execution Service, as well as 6 civic organizations, the head of the Pastoral Council on religious welfare in the penitentiary system of Ukraine under the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. The above mentioned scientific event was opened by the head of the Institute of Criminal Execution Service, Doctor of Law, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Major-General of the Internal Service Barash Yevgeny Yukhymovych. In the welcoming word E.Y. Barash pointed to the tasks of developing the modern legal system. He expressed gratitude that under the auspices of the Institute of Criminal Execution Service he managed to gather a significant cohort of scientists, practitioners, representatives of public and religious organizations. The director of the Institute wished the inspired and fruitful work at the conference. On behalf of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the Director of the Probation Department Yanchuk Oleg Borisovich addressed to the participants of the conference with greetings. Within the framework of the conference, the following topics were discussed: theoretical problems and interrelation of criminal-executive policy as a component of legal policy in the field of combating crime; state policy in the field of human rights in the context of legal reform; protection of personal (civil) human rights, which is in conflict with the law; professional training of the staff of the bodies of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, national preventive and compensatory remedies for the protection of the rights of the convicts; Personality transformation in places of non-freedom: problems and prospects of introduction and development of probation, psychological and pedagogical problems. The work of the conference was carried out in the framework of three sections: 1) Legislative support of legal reforms; 2) social and humanitarian policy as a component of the state policy of reforming the legal system; 3) civil society institutions and human rights. The current scholarly publication has collected more than 160 scientific scholars and practitioners from both Ukraine and abroad, with a volume of 329 pages.

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