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PRAGUE (JUNE 14) - This year, the 9th annual Yellow Ribbon Run was held in Říčany near Prague.

The event was aimed at inmates - fathers who are looking for a way back to their children and families.  More than 950 runners participated in the relay run, including employees of the prison service, state institutions and staff of various non-profit organizations that work with incarcerated persons and persons with criminal backgrounds.

The Yellow Ribbon Run Project is dedicated to raising awareness about the issues of people with criminal backgrounds and the impact of imprisonment on families, children, victims and the community. Beyond the actual sporting experience, the run aims to draw attention to the difficulty of integrating people with criminal records into society and to break down prejudice against those seeking a chance for a fresh start. 

The event, which brings together running enthusiasts every year to promote second chances, has also attracted interest from European countries. Representatives of prison services and NGOs from Norway, Croatia, Latvia and Lithuania plan to organise their own runs inspired by the Czech model. 
