Directorate General
Final conference of Czech-Saxon project
PRAGUE (30 September) - at the end of September, the final conference of the "Justice CZ-SN" Czech-Saxon cross-border project was organized. Altogether eight prisons participated in this project which was completed by concluding agreements on cooperation between Czech and Saxon prisons.
Mr. Karel Dvořák, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Czech Republic, kicked off the meeting with an initial speech, followed by Director-General of the Czech Prison Service, Mr. Simon Michailidis. Ms. Katja Meier, Saxon Minister of Justice, greeted participants through a video.
The conference allowed prison representatives to present their findings gained through project study visits. The meeting was concluded when prison directors signed agreements on cooperation with their foreign counterparts (Bělušice-Waldheim, Nové Sedlo-Chemnitz, Ostrov-Dresden, Rýnovice-Bautzen).
The aim of the Czech-Saxon Cross-border Project was to share experience and best practices among criminal justice stakeholders within the Czech-Saxon region. The newly acquired contacts and knowledge should lead to long-term cooperation between the project partners. The project is financed with European funds.