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PRAGUE, 21 October (VS ČR) - Today, the 2nd year of "Czech Prison Service Donates Blood" project began in the Military University Hospital Prague. More than 50 prison service employees donated blood on today's occasion, with 10 more blood-donating events to follow across the Czech Republic.

The main idea of this project is to help ease the current problem with the lack of blood reserves in the Czech Republic and also attract new (first-time) donors. Last year, over 400 employees donated more than 160 liters of blood at a time when donors were hesitating to come to hospitals due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  

With the development of better therapeutic methods, the need for donor blood is increasing. On average, every Czech citizen receives five blood transfusions and fourteen blood-based medicines in their lifetime. Every three seconds someone needs blood from a donor. Nevertheless, there are fewer donors each year. Therefore, the Czech Prison Service decided to take this socially responsible step. 
