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6.10.2021 – 8.10.2021

Czech Prison Service display at the IDET, PYROS & ISET 2021 fair in Brno, Czech Republic. "The importance of the defense and security capacities of the state always grows in difficult times. That is why it is of utmost importance to continue modernizing the armed forces and investing in high-quality equipment. A major show of innovations in the defense and security industry in the Central Europen region is the IDET trade fair held in Brno. The PYROS and ISET trade fairs will take place concurrently. Once again, all components of the integrated rescue system will be presented." (source: https://www.bvv.cz/en/iset/news/idet-pyros-iset-2021-will-present-all-components-of-the-integrated/)

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