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EPIS (European Prison Information System) is the digital database on the EuroPris website containing data of European Prison Services. On 30 August 2016, EuroPris held the EPIS Training workshop at the Czech Prison Service Training Facility in Straz pod Ralskem. The group was comprised of representatives from 10 European National Agencies (Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Italy, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Slovakia, and Turkey). The aim of the training was to support prison staff, who are in charge of completing the data for their jurisdiction. The training participants learned how the system works and started to complete the profiles for their Prison Service. The training gave the participants a clear understanding on how they can work with EPIS and of the value of the system. The participants also provided valuable feedback for EuroPris and for the further improvement of the system. For more information about EuroPris, see its website www.europris.org.


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