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Last week, the Prison Service of the Czech Republic, represented by its Director General Petr Dohnal, was honoured to welcome Director General of the Norwegian Correctional Service, Mrs. Marianne Vollan. During her working visit, the Czech and Norwegian representatives discussed further possibilities of mutual cooperation and sharing of best practice in the prison staff training and education fields. Mrs. Vollan was also interested in application of new professional methods with respect to treatment of prisoners. She was accompanied by two members of the Norwegian Correctional Service - Head of the International Relations Unit, Mr. Kim Ekhaugen, and Bastoy Prison Governor, Mr. Tom Eberhardt. Establishment of the so called “open-prison” in the Czech Republic constituted the key topic of the visit. The Norwegian delegation introduced the concept using Bastoy Prison as an example while the PS CR’s representatives presented contemporary Czech concept of the same prison type. Closely connected to this topic was means of financing the open-prison project using the Norway Grants. Officials of both penitentiary administrations decided on specific time schedule and steps to be taken with respect to the project. During its busy working programme, the Norwegian delegation also managed to visit Pankrác Remand Prison (including the Czech Penitentiary Service Memorial) and Světlá nad Sázavou Women Prison. At the end of the visit, the delegation discussed further important penitentiary topics with Deputy Minister of Justice, Mr. Vladimir Zimmel.


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